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Diversity & Inclusion Report

Global Women is a non-profit membership organisation bringing together New Zealand's most influential women leaders promoting inclusion and diversity for improved societal and economic growth. Their dream is for New Zealand to be the best country to live, work and play; with the belief in fostering a society that is world-leading in its cohesion, acceptance, and equality for all citizens to create a competitive advantage for New Zealand.


In 2020, Global Women were releasing their third annual Diversity and Inclusion Impact Report, that clearly showed the collective and focused approach they had been taking on diversity and inclusion was working. This report required a refreshed look from previous years to showcase the proven progress they had made.


Even with an existing brand identity - logos, fonts, colour palette and graphic assets - these elements can be used in a number of different ways to bring your brand to life. The challenge with this project was to use an existing brand identity in a newer, more vibrant way than before. It's a challenge I'm always up for and love to problem solve how to make new impact with the same brand.

"Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati; ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. When a reed stands alone it is vulnerable, but a group of reeds together is unbreakable. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is how the extraordinary becomes possible when people come together for a common purpose. We are more resilient together. We are more powerful together."

Co-Chairs Champions for Change


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